a night with the artisans

September 13, 2010 § 1 Comment

§ One Response to a night with the artisans

  • Hello Messrs Artisan,

    Since I am lying in bed, prone with anticipation for your society debut this evening, I thought I may take a moment to, apropos of nothing, provide you with a link to a page on which you may listen to songs my friends and I have written and performed.

    We are called Tabloid Vivant and live in North East London. We haven’t played the Luminaire before, but have headlined the nearby Good Ship’s ‘Peace in the City’ evening, and shall be doing so again in November. If you are ever at a loss for hip young bloods to give a break, then I fully endorse and suggest Tabloid Vivant.

    Thank you very much and look forward to this evening’s goings on.

    All the best,

    – Bobby Kilshaw, Tabloid Vivant.

    P.S. I note with interest that the ‘theme’ of your blog’s design is ‘Oulipo.’ Have either of you read Perec’s ‘La disparition?’

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